Happy and Healthy

Happy and Healthy
One of the happiest days of my life! I worked hard to look like that!

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Getting Started..

Hi Ladies,

Today is the second day of my journey. This is the tough part for me. It's getting started...

I usually want to lay out ( much like my niece here on the left). When I'm in the groove, I'm pretty consistant. Mustering up the intial motivation to just work out is hard. I have a secret love affair with cheesburgers too. So leaving those alone is tough. I had a talk with Mr. Burger on Saturday and let him know that we are done. So, today here is what I've accomplished:

9:00AM -Workout 30 Min: Crunch AB Attack Fat Burning DVD

9:30 Frosted Wheat Crunch Cereal and Half a grapefruit (Drew Makes me eat them; I hate em')

and 32 0z. of water.

So, it's 12:30....

What have you done to get started? If you're well into your groove: what are some techniques you can share with others to help them get started and get over the 'procrastination'?


Anonymous said...

getting started...urgh! that's the worst part. As thoughts of Dominoes thin crust sausage/mushroom pizza dance in my head I am debating what I am going to do today. I want to go out and go to the YMCA (I have a membership through my job) or pop in a workout DVD (yes, i am "that person" in their living room sweatin in front of the tv).

Things I think I am doing well: I have identified my triggers and eliminated a lot of the "temptation" from around me. Do you know how hard it is to give away my stash of chocolate teddy grahams? But I have surrounded myself with better options like peaches, water crackers, and 3 cases of water. I have also shared my "healthy" goals with friends and family so they can help me be accountable. I think much of my "non-success" in the past is because I wanted to do it all myself, but you need people around you to be supportive and not be ok with you eating a whole bag of cheetos.

Things I need to work on: I need to eat more meals--I typically only eat lunch and dinner. That is not good. I also need to not be so stubborn on my "bad days" and let go of my goals. I cannot get lazy or be fit when it is convenient to me. That is the hard part.

2:01 pm...sitting at work about to drive a student. I'm wondering when will I work out? I need to lay it out over the week so I have no excuses.

keep the faith, and drink lots of water y'all! -j

ADHDBraceface said...

i love u soror... but u kno that's a dst pic you have in the upper right hand corner? lol but anyway, congrats on getting started. my current plan consists of lifting children lol. other than that, i'm just trying to lower the stress level and eat more fruits (instead of stopping at mcd's for breakfast)


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Welp, letsee nah...
This morning I got up and ate my leftover lunch from yesterday one corn taco, rice and beans. I did not work out today, but I did yesterday though I thought I wouldn't because I had class all day, but, I did something I've never done before, I used my luch break to take a nice 25 minute walk. I ate, and then walked. It felt really good.
I try to think of how good the "afterglow" of working out feels when I'm not in the mood.
But man, when those endorphins do kick in...Wooha!
So for now, my work out is going pretty good. My eating is not too great because I'm scared to do it. I have the stomach of a 75 year old man and I just can't eat like I used to (which I guess is a good thing) but I still don't know how to eat right. I need a way to whip my tastebuds into submission;control them instead of the other way around. So I am at the place where I just don't trust food. I'm scared the right foods will not satisfy me the wrong foods will make me sick.
So as of now, weight loss is a byproduct for me, I have to find a way to eat for my overall health's sake. Plus the diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure and obesity that runs in the family need to come to a screeching hault right here with me and my sister. I mean, we have little babies looking up to us now; little divas who we want to help have the healthiest of lives and body images.
Love, Randy

B_arnetta said...

That shole was a DST photo! I hadn't even noticed that in the background! Oops! LOL...I changed it now. Thanks for catching that P.

ADHDBraceface said...
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sophia1920 said...

Getting started is not the hard part for me, it's maintenance. It is actually a beautiful day here in Cinci and I plan to get my butt back in the gym tonight! I haven't been in like 3-4 weeks and that's just ridiculous. I would like to be at half of my goal weight in 2 months (so 195 by Memorial Day, my goal is 180 and currently I am 210-211). I don't live my life avoiding foods, cause that doesn't work, so I use Weight Watchers and write it down. Today, I plan to get in my veggies and water and do AT LEAST 30 min on the elliptical!