Happy and Healthy

Happy and Healthy
One of the happiest days of my life! I worked hard to look like that!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Tuesday Challenge! & Water WATER!

Hey Ladies,
Today I challenge you to help someone else reach their goals.

Give your buddy a call and offer to work out together
Call and encourage someone with something going on in their life.
Offer to help them clean something or organize a part of their life they've been trying to get together for some time.
Help them sort out a menu for a week.

Let's do this together!

Today I'm talking about water! Water water everywhere but not a drop to drink! UNTRUE!
Try to drink as much water as possible. Of course you need 64oz a day, but try to get in more if you can! Drinking water cleanses the system, rehydrates you, and clears the skin amoungst other awesome things. Diet drinks are good alternatives but have aspartame (which is not so good for you) and other additives that can counter what you are trying to do. Milk and Gatorade are good to replinish, but Milk has fat, and Gatorade (plus other workout drinks) have way to much sugar.

Hey, water is FREE-(that's cost and free of additives), so drink up!

FYI- An interesting article about water! This says you 'SHOULDN"T' drink 8 glasses a day.

What do you think???

Benefits of Drinking Water Oversold?
Researchers Say Evidence Is Lacking for Benefits of Drinking 8 Glasses of Water a Day
By Kathleen Doheny WebMD Medical News
Reviewed by Louise Chang, MD
April 2, 2008 -- The health benefits of drinking water, at least for already healthy people, may have been oversold, according to a new report. The findings will likely disappoint water-bottle-toting Americans and relieve those who can never seem to down those eight glasses of water a day, widely recommended for our health.
But there is nothing magical about those eight glasses, at least when it comes to proven health benefits, according to a new report. "There is no clear evidence of benefit from drinking increased amounts of water," writes Stanley Goldfarb, MD, professor of medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, and the senior author of an editorial on the topic in the Journal of the AmericanSociety of Nephrology.
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On the other hand, he adds, "There is also no clear evidence of lack of benefit." There's a general lack of evidence either way.
Those doctors and others who have been recommending drinking eight glasses of water aren't basing it on anything scientific, according to Goldfarb. He concludes that most healthy people don't have to worry about drinking eight glasses every day.
He emphasizes he is talking about healthy people with kidneys that function well. And he points out that people who live in hot, dry climates do need to drink more water to avoid dehydration, as do those who engage in vigorous exercise.
(How much water do you drink each day? What other liquids? Talk with others on WebMD's Health Cafe message board.)
Health Benefits of Drinking Water: Search for Evidence
Goldfarb was curious about where the longstanding recommendation about eight daily glasses of water originated. "In my mind it wasn't that drinking this extra water would hurt you, but that you might not have to."
So he combed through medical literature dating back to the early 1970s, trying to find the science to back up the advice.
Turns out, there is no single study and no single outcome that led to the recommendation becoming popular, he says. Somehow, it took on a life of its own.
Goldfarb and his University of Pennsylvania colleague, Dan Negoianu, MD, next examined some popular claims about the health benefits of drinking water, trying in each case to find scientific evidence.
"We looked at the evidence of some of the so-called urban myths that have grown up about drinking water," Goldfarb says.


Anonymous said...

Where the heck is water free? I need to move there!! I have always wondered about how much water one should be drinking per day

B_arnetta said...

Water is free from the TAP! lol....See, if you're acting all uppity and drink it out the bottle, yeah you will get taxed! lol..Just drink it out the tap. You'll be ok!